Welcome to the new Education Authority Accident Reporting Portal. If this is your first visit please click Register, else Login.

Register » Login» Guidance


You will have to register your email address before logging an accident report submission. Please complete all fields on the registration page.

Complete and Submit

You have the option of completing the form in one session or alternatively suspending the process, saving the form as a draft, and completing on your next login. A suspended, draft form will remain active for 14 days.

Open Submissions.

Your accident report submissions are available for you to view.
If you experience any difficulties, or require your password reset, please contact your local Health and Safety Office.

Data Protection Statement

Information supplied within this form will be used to ensure the EA complies with its statutory responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 and Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997. Information will also be used to for the purpose of accident investigation, collation of statistical information and for the use in defence of any liability claims. Please refer to EA’s privacy notices which are available on our website at EA’s Privacy Notices provide further information on how and why EA process personal information as well as details on how to contact EA with any questions or concerns.